KCA Pre-School:
- KCA pre-school program is STARS accredited with 3 stars
- KCA curriculum is LiteraSci for hands on student directed learning with ABEKA for pre-reading
- KCA pre-school students participate in Brigance testing each semester to determine each students strengths and growth areas
Pre-K 3:
(3 year old program – 2 classes)
- Foster social skills through cooperation and group play
- Build self-esteem and self-confidence through successful experiences
- Encourage creativity and expression through dramatic play
- Develop oral language through creative expression
- Strengthen fine motor skills through art and gross motor skills through indoor and outdoor play
- Recognize numbers to 20, colors and identify shapes
Pre-K 4:
(4 year old program – 2 classes)
- Develop independence along with playing well with other children
- Learn to focus on an activity for 10-15 minutes
- Learn the alphabet phonetically and common letter combinations
- Read simple sight words
- Recognize number to 100 and simple addition
- Pre-writing skills
- Develop habits of thinking and investigation by exploration and experimentation through STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art & mathematics) activities